After completing sample approval process held by Product Plants and meeting the
conditions of pricing and payment inspected by Purchasing Directorate, the suppliers
are given mass production orders by Production Planning Directorates under Arçelik
A.Ş. production plants. Later, orders are confirmed and the materials are sent to
the relevant product plants.
To ensure a sustainable growth in today’s highly competitive environment, Arçelik
A.Ş. has established its Order-Production-Shipment infrastructure as flexible as
possible to meet urgent customer demands and order modifications in line with customer
expectations and satisfactions, and this flexibility principle is expected both
from the company itself and suppliers as well as all other working partners.
The Company particularly expects the Suppliers, one of the most important rings
of our supply chain, to provide similar flexibility to comply with this purpose.
This expectation of Arçelik A.Ş. is described as not only delivery of orders in
time, but also constantly cutting confirmed lead-times down and responding the changes
in program as fast as possible.
All deliveries made by the supplier should conform to the amount and time stated
in order letters; and the materials should be in full compliance with Arçelik A.Ş.
Technical Drawings, Technical Specifications and Instructions as well as international
Standards/Directives and Regulations.
The materials delivered to Arçelik A.Ş. must not contain prohibited substances,
which are harmful to human health; and if allowed to be used restrictedly, the related
substances must never exceed the limit.
Even though SvHC (Substances of Very High Concern) mentioned in REACH directive
are not prohibited by EU yet, the supplier is obliged to notify Arçelik A.Ş. about
when they use these substances in delivered materials.